Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Library Thing

To me is seems like an online service that allows many people to post the books they are reading, have read, or want to read. This could probably be a good place for people to post books that they might be using for some research/project and they would like to make that information available to others. Honestly I do not know how much I would actually use this site, but there is a possibility that eventually it could become useful to me. i have added the link to my Library Thing page. Check it out.

Tired Barn...Image Generator

As I have said before, I am a techno geek. This was actually a lot of fun. For me, getting to edit photos is a great past time. It is fun to see the end result. It can be used in many ways, but truthfully I don't know how it could be used with my career. What a fun way to make interesting images that are customized by you. This photo is one that I took on a recent trip to the beach. An old barn that had had enough. It is along side the road in route to Avila Beach.