Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Library Thing

To me is seems like an online service that allows many people to post the books they are reading, have read, or want to read. This could probably be a good place for people to post books that they might be using for some research/project and they would like to make that information available to others. Honestly I do not know how much I would actually use this site, but there is a possibility that eventually it could become useful to me. i have added the link to my Library Thing page. Check it out.

Tired Barn...Image Generator

As I have said before, I am a techno geek. This was actually a lot of fun. For me, getting to edit photos is a great past time. It is fun to see the end result. It can be used in many ways, but truthfully I don't know how it could be used with my career. What a fun way to make interesting images that are customized by you. This photo is one that I took on a recent trip to the beach. An old barn that had had enough. It is along side the road in route to Avila Beach.

Friday, May 30, 2008


This seems like something I could really enjoy. My i-pod gets used quite frequently by me, it is a great companion during my morning runs and I like having new material on there. One thing that really stood out, were some of the religious channels. I saw one that was titled, One Year Bible Pod... It seems like it's some sort of a bible study as a podcast. That would be something awesome to have. What a great way to get into the Word. I was not sure if these podcasts needed some sort of a subscription, or whether they were free. I am still checking out the site, and figuring out the best way to download the podcasts themselves.

Thursday, May 29, 2008


....Of all the sites we have visited so far, Technorati has been the one that I have least liked. It could have to do with the fact that I have not yet really understood its purpose. I have watched the recommended video, browsed the site, and am still having difficulty grasping it all. I did do the search of Kinesiology and noticed the differences when I searched in the different categories. There were some interesting videos that I watched and did enjoy. There is great possibility that once I return to the site, do some more research about it, I will find some good uses.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

C'mon...Everyon'e YouTube'n

I was introduced to YouTube about 1 1/2 years ago. Some of my friends joke with me and say that I am a YouTube "junkie". Here's a confession, I am on there a lot. Well, I was on it a lot, until I started my Graduate Courses...priorities. I know that you can find just about anything on YouTube. For me, it has been a great way to stay caught up with numerous sport's hightlights. Being an avid soccer fan, it has allowed me to watch a lot of soccer related videos. Things from highlights, interviews, and video compilations that other individuals have posted. I have never posted any video on YouTube, and really do not have a desire to, but I sure do enjoy checking out other's creations. The video I posted on this blog page is an example of one of those created by somebody. I have seen how useful it can be, by watching some of the tutorial videos. This could possibly be something I could use in the future with coaching...posting game film on a site where the athletes could watch it on their own.

Del.icio.us...mmmmmm good!

There have been many times when I needed to visit a particular site that I had checked sometime earlier. Problem? I could not remember the address. Luckily it had been saved into my favorite's folder...on my home pc, not at work...where I was. The del.icio.us site would have solved my problem. Now that I am on the internet a lot more, (thank you Graduate program) I come across sites that could be useful to me. Having a del.icio.us account would allow me to save anything I found, and then be able to use it from any computer I am on. I see del.icio.us as being very useful for research...I plan on being a part of it.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

How do I publish...GoogleDocs

As this technology class takes its course, I am constanlty surprised with everything that is available on the internet. I guess one way GoogleDocs could be used, would be to post something you would want a large audience to have access to. Not only could the individuals read it, but if I am understanding this correctly, they would also be able to make changes to the document. As of right now, I really do not see myself using this site, as much as the outher sites I have been exposed to during this class. Ok... so I will try to publish this blog entry, and send it to my blog address. Wish me luck!!

Well I was not successful in publishing the entry onto my blog, so I had to do it the "old-fashion" way. When my schedule is not as hectic I will give it another try.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

WEB 2.0 Awards

It took me awhile to figure out exactly what to do once I was logged onto the Web 2.0 site. As I browsed around, things started to become a little more clear. There were some interesting titles to the sites available to check out. One that caught my eye was Cocktail Builder. This is a site that will assist you in finding the recipes for many different types of drinks/cocktails. You can also type in a the type of alcohol you have, and it will display the types of drinks that can be made; seems like something fun to have open during a get together with friends. Another site that I browsed was titled OneSentece. Here, people can type a one sentence true story and share it with others. These two sites are probably not that useful with teaching, but it is a good form of entertainment. I am sure that of the many sites available, that could be used within my career.

RSS -works for me!!

It is hard to believe that more is not being said about bloglines. I had never heard of them, until I read the assignment. All the sites I regularly view in one convinient spot...come on! Some of the other activities we have done have been useful, but I believe that so far, at least for me, this one might trump them all. As I have admitted in previous blogs, I do love technology,(some might call me a gadget geek...ha ha) along with everything that goes along with it. This is just another great tool to make things a lot easier. Even as I am typing this, I thought of a another great use for RSS. While doing research on a particular subject, an individual could attach all of the usful sites to their account and have them right there for their use.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Technology and Me...

If it can be plugged in, charged up, or has buttons to push, it's got my attention. The fact that, If I want to can carry around my entire music library in my back pocket is mind boggling. Just when I think technology cannot get any better, the people at Sony, Kodak, Apple, etc. surprise me. That leads me to my latest purchase... an i-Mac computer. Much of my time has been spent on that "bad boy," trying to figure it all out, and completing assignments (like this one) for my master's program courses.

Article #5 - Social Networking

I found the reading interesting because of the numbers and statistics involved. I'm a visual person, and when I can put a number with a piece of information, it is a lot more helpful. It difficult to comprehend how quickly sites like myspace(217 million users) and facebook(58 million) have expanded. It goes to show that we are truly living in a technological society. Some of the information I learned about wikipedia was also very interesting to me. There are times that I have used wikipedia for one thing or another, never knowing that users have the capability of editing the site's content. The fact that it is a nonprofit organization was also compelling. Granted they do have a pretty big group (Yahoo) backing them up. After reading the article, I thought to myself, how far the internet has come, and better yet, how much further we will be able to take it.

Article # 4 - Web, Library, and Teen Services 2.0

After reading this article, I had one of those moments where we have all had and said,"Why didn't someone think about this earlier?"' Parents, teachers even PSAs (Public Service Announcements) try to encourage kids to do more reading. There is a good chance that some of us, during our grammar school days, took a field trip to our local library. We were shown around, introduced to all of the areas, and then given a library card. Most of us probably remember that library being very quite, having lots of "old" people, and having to be very quite. Not exactly the place we would want to frequent. Library 2.0 is a great way to get students interested in their local library and even interested in reading. Kids have great imaginations and ideas that could really contribute to making libraries a desirable place to be. Kids know what they want, and are not afraid of letting people know. They have the ability to think differently than adults, in turn sharing their great ideas to making libraries more "user friendly"


Got iPods? I have to admit, once I read this article, especially the section about ipods, my curiosity was piqued. I did not know what the program consisted of, but anything that includes the use of ipods has to be good. Right? It was very smart of the university to do such a thing. In today's society, ipods are all around us. What better way to relay information to it's students, than putting it on a device that they would probably already use. As mentioned in the article, students have the convenience of having lots of information (academic calendar, lectures, lessons, etc.) literally at their fingertips. I would have really enjoyed attending a university that implemented this program.
On the other hand, as I go along throughout my daily routine, it seems that everywhere I turn someone (regardless of age) has an ipod with them. Just the other day at a restaurant, my wife and I were sat near another family; a dad, mom,two kids, and a set of grandparents. Throughout their meal they talked and exchanged stories, except for the young girl, probably junior high age. During the entire meal time she listed to and fiddled with her ipod. I thought to myself, is this what it's coming to. As a read this article, I envisioned a school campus where the majority of the students would be wandering around, with their ear buds in place, not interacting with one another. I will be the first to admit, that I really enjoy my own ipod, along with all the other technology items I own, but I also feel that I do not allow them to control me. Allowing the Duke students to manage so much of their school life on their ipods is great. I just hope that programs like these do not take away the important peer interaction that college aged students, and many others, so desperately need.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

flickr photo

I enjoyed doing this assignent. Taking pictures is actually one of my hobbies. This could be a fun sight to share photos with friends and family.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


I consider myself pretty techno savvy... but I had never heard about microblogging. I just finished setting up my twitter account; curious to see what people do throughout their day.

Monday, May 12, 2008

flickr photo

So I was cruising around the flickr site, and I came across some pretty cool soccer related photos.  I am a soccer fanatic, and I really enjoyed some of the pics I came across.  Here check it out for yourself.....


Wednesday, May 7, 2008

1st Time

Well, that was actually quite simple.  There is a little more work that needs to be done, but as the old adage says....Practice Makes Perfect!!