Wednesday, May 28, 2008

C'mon...Everyon'e YouTube'n

I was introduced to YouTube about 1 1/2 years ago. Some of my friends joke with me and say that I am a YouTube "junkie". Here's a confession, I am on there a lot. Well, I was on it a lot, until I started my Graduate Courses...priorities. I know that you can find just about anything on YouTube. For me, it has been a great way to stay caught up with numerous sport's hightlights. Being an avid soccer fan, it has allowed me to watch a lot of soccer related videos. Things from highlights, interviews, and video compilations that other individuals have posted. I have never posted any video on YouTube, and really do not have a desire to, but I sure do enjoy checking out other's creations. The video I posted on this blog page is an example of one of those created by somebody. I have seen how useful it can be, by watching some of the tutorial videos. This could possibly be something I could use in the future with coaching...posting game film on a site where the athletes could watch it on their own.

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