Wednesday, May 21, 2008

WEB 2.0 Awards

It took me awhile to figure out exactly what to do once I was logged onto the Web 2.0 site. As I browsed around, things started to become a little more clear. There were some interesting titles to the sites available to check out. One that caught my eye was Cocktail Builder. This is a site that will assist you in finding the recipes for many different types of drinks/cocktails. You can also type in a the type of alcohol you have, and it will display the types of drinks that can be made; seems like something fun to have open during a get together with friends. Another site that I browsed was titled OneSentece. Here, people can type a one sentence true story and share it with others. These two sites are probably not that useful with teaching, but it is a good form of entertainment. I am sure that of the many sites available, that could be used within my career.

1 comment:

Richard Robertson said...

Sounds like you explored a variety of sites. Hope you found some that can make life better or easier. Seems like you did. Good luck with all of this.